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China Pakistan Relations : The China Pakistan Economic Corridor and Beyond – Pr. Rifaat Hussain

Conférence organisée le mardi 8 octobre à 18h, à la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, boulevard Raspail, Paris 6, avec le Pr. Rifaat Hussain (NIUST, Islamabad), discutant: Jean-François Di Meglio (Asia Centre).

Inscription obligatoire ci-dessous

The China Pakistan Economic Corridor, linking Xinjiang to the Arabian Sea through Pakistan is presented as one of the major components of the Belt and Road Initiative. It deserves as such an updated analysis. But this initiative goes beyond the pure bilateral relations between Beijing and Islamabad. Looking at the way China has reacted to India’s recent abrogation of Kashmir’s special status and at the uncertainty in Afghanistan after the collapse of US-Taliban talks will help as well to understand the complex geopolitical dynamics in a region where deep tensions prevail.

Rifaat Hussain is currently Professor of Government and Public Policy at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University for Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, after having been posted at  the Quaid-i-Azam University and at the National Defence University He has been a visiting professor at the Centre for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, and director of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies at Colombo, one of the leading South Asian institutions in the field. An expert on international relations, strategic studies and South Asia security issues, he has extensively published on Pakistan’s foreign policy, Pakistan-India relations, Afghanistan, and Kashmir.



