Not Stopping Cold: China’s Emerging Strategies in the Arctic
Note n°13 de l’Observatoire de la Chine, par Marc Lanteigne (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo) China’s Arctic policy remains
Note n°13 de l’Observatoire de la Chine, par Marc Lanteigne (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo) China’s Arctic policy remains
Roundtable n°11 of the China Observatory, 27 September, 2016, with Jean-Pierre Cabestan (HKBU/Asia Centre) and Jérôme Doyon (ECFR), chaired by
Roundtable n°12 of the China Observatory, 27 September, 2016, with Prashant Kumar Singh (East Asia Centre, Institute for Defence Studies
Roundtable n°13 of the China Observatory, 27 September, 2016, with Jayadeva Ranade (Centre for China Analysis and Strategy) and Jean-Luc
Roundtable n°14 of the China Observatory, 27 September, 2016, with Srikanth Kondapalli (Jawaharlal Nehru University/IPCS) and Nicolas Regaud (DGRIS), chaired
Note n°12 de l’Observatoire de la Chine, par Rowan Callick (Beijing-based China Correspondent of The Australian newspaper) China and Australia
Note n°11 de l’Observatoire de la Chine, par le Pr. Kerry Brown Since a period of mutual idealism in the
Roundtable n°9 of the China Observatory, 6 April, 2016, with Pr. Robert Barnett (Columbia) The Trojan Horse scenario occurs when
Note n°5 de l’Observatoire de la Chine, par Yitzhak Shichor (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Haifa) According to most
Summary – DEMOGRAPHY – The Korean Population: Recent Changes and Major Issues (Kim Doo-Sub) A Brief History of Policy Responses
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