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Chief Economist’s debate: Xi Jinping’s bet on red • George Magnus & Alicia Garcia-Herrero

Sciences Po, Amphi Claude Erignac (Bâtiment J 3ème étage) 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 PARIS With George Magnus, Research Associate at Oxford University's China Centre and at SOAS, former Chief Economist at UBS, and Alicia García-Herrero, Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis CIB. Chairperson and moderator: Stéphanie Balme, Prof. and Director (CERI- Sciences Po/CNRS). […]

[Événement] Asia CONNECT : “Économie de guerre : transformer la menace en opportunité”

DS 6 rue Duret, Paris 16E

Dans le cadre du programme Asia CONNECT, Asia Centre et DS Avocats sont heureux de vous convier le mardi 21 mai à un petit-déjeuner exceptionnel sur le thème : "Économie de guerre : transformer la menace en opportunité." A l'occasion de la sortie de son dernier essai, Bienvenue en Économie de Guerre (Novice), David Baverez, investisseur résidant […]

Insights into South Korea- Close Door Event with Pres. Byung-il CHOI & Prof. Jae-Seung LEE

Asia Centre has the pleasure of welcoming Professor Jae-Seung LEE, Professor and Jean Monnet Chair in the College of International Studies and Director of the Ilmin International Relations Institute (IIRI) at Korea University, and President Byung-il CHOI, Economic expert and President of Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, two experts from South Korea, to have a […]