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Memo – Southeast Asia and the BRI – Annual Seminar

South East Asia

Memo of the annual seminar of the Observatory, 21 January, 2019, in partnership with Irsem. With Prof. Jay Batongbacal (University of the Philippines, Institute for Maritime Affairs and law of the Sea), Dr Vannarith Chheang (ISEAS-NTU-AVI), Emmanuel Dubois de Prisque (Institut Thomas More), Dr Juliette Genevaz (IRSEM), Bruno Hellendorf (Egmont Institute & European Policy Centre), Dr Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux (University Rennes 2).

Compte-rendu par Tom Eisenchteter

Myth versus reality. Enthusiasm versus suspicion. Investment versus debt. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) provokes mixed feelings among the Southeast Asian leaders and population. More importantly, it impacts national strategies as the Chinese initiative can be seen as a deus exmachina to eventually support old projects. Is it thus a true ‘win-win’ situation, as Xi Jinping stated? In every country, the reactions are far from being simple as they are at the crossroads of the military, political and business elites, laying between national and local interests and stretching from nationalism to the critical need for infrastructure.

  • Introduction
  • Malaysia on the Belt and Road again
  • ASEAN and Cambodia’s loose alignment with China
  • The Belt and Road Initiative and the Transforming International Order: a Philippine Perspective
  • Indonesia and the BRI
  • Concluding Remarks: France in all that