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Meeting with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-04 at 15.16.53
Jean-François Di Meglio (left) and Guohong Zhu (right) signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Tuesday 4 July 2023.


On Tuesday July 4, a meeting was held in Paris between Asia Centre and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), offering an opportunity for open dialogue on key global governance issues. Among the topics discussed were European and Chinese positions on the war in Ukraine, China’s position towards the European Union, and the question of the Indo-Pacific “Great Game”.

At the end of the day’s discussions a Memorandum of Understanding was signed, committing Asia Centre, represented by its President Jean-François Di Meglio, and the SASS, represented by its vice-president Guohong Zhu. The document encourages both institutes to promote exchange between researchers, and to undertake joint cooperation projects with the aim of exploring collaborative approaches between China and France. The aim is to broaden and deepen mutual academic relations, as well as cooperation in the fields of international relations and foreign policy studies.