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Auteur de la note

Pauline Geyer is an intern at Asia Centre. She is studying International Relations and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt, Germany with a particular focus on security issues regarding Asia.

In 2019, she spent her gap year in Malaysia, which aroused her interest in Southeast Asian history and politics. To brighten her understanding of Asian cultures and political relations, she studied as an exchange student at the Department of Political Science at National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan. In the next academic year, she will pursue her master’s studies in the dual degree program between SciencesPo Paris and Peking University in the field of International Security.

Autres analyses

Scholz in China – Big Gestures, Small Effects?

pic scholz visit

Our German intern, Pauline Geyer, sheds light on the recent visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to China, offering fresh perspectives and insights.


«Chancellor Scholz’s recent visit to China has attracted much attention and is a focal point for assessing the complex relationship between Germany and China. However, a closer analysis reveals a complex web of economic interests and geopolitical considerations that underline the challenges and opportunities of this important partnership. »