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Chinese Timing: Why Xi Delayed the Third Plenum • Jean-Pierre Cabestan


Following the publication of his article on the “Two Sessions” (Lianghui) of March 2024 (annual plenary meeting of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and China Political People’s Consultative Conference (CPPCC)), Jean-Pierre Cabestan delves into the unresolved question: a third plenum was supposed to be held but was postponed. Why was it postponed ? And what can we expect from it ? Under the guidance of Jean-François Di Meglio, Professor Cabestan addresses the following topics:

  1. What does usually a 3rd Plenum stand for ?
  2. What to make of the delay ?
  3. How to interpret the growing loneliness path of Xi Jinping ?
  4. Challenges of the 3rd Plenum (economics, discipline ?)
  5. What to expect ?
  6. What is the domestic vision of the recent trips (in China and abroad) by Xi Jinping and other leaders ?

Listen to this podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more by clicking the link.

Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Associate Researcher at Asia Centre as well as at the Centre d’Études Français on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, is a Research Director at the CNRS attached to the French Research Institute for East Asia (IFRAE) at INALCO. Jean-François Di Meglio, renowned sinologist, is the chairman of Asia Centre.

Founded in 2005, Asia Centre is an independent research institute that holds debates and issues publications on matters relating to international, strategic, economic relations, as well as the political and social transformations underway in the Asia-Pacific region. Rooted in university research, Asia Centre advises decision makers in the public sector as well as in private enterprises (Asia CONNECT).

This research is part of a European Commission project “China Horizons” (formal name is “Dealing with a resurgent China” or DWARC) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101061700. The project is one of the EU-funded flagship projects to upgrade independent knowledge on China in Europe. The three-year project started in November 2022.

This specific podcast is part of the WP3 on Chinese party-state politics, a work package led by the Copenhagen Business School (CBS).