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Asia Centre events: Thinkers’ Corner


A warm thank you to those that attended our event at the Institut Ricci, for the presentation of our Asia Trends #6 Thinkers’ Corner! Here below was what our successful event looked like:

With :

  • Michel Masson sj, former director of the Institut Ricci Paris. In charge of the Institute’s “Thinkers’ Corner” section
  • Jean-François Di Meglio, President of Asia Centre, Publishing Director of the semi-annual Asia Trends
  • John Lagerwey, director of the Institut Ricci Paris


Each month, the Thinkers’ Corner allows a Western audience to discover an article published in different journals and media forms across China. Reviewed and annotated by the translators, they provide a Chinese reading of the events and key points of reflection on the country in recent years. Their topicality, the sharpness of the gaze carried by these Chinese authors, whatever the political, spiritual or political context in which they express themselves, makes this work carried out by Father Michel Masson, François Hominal and a few other contributors a benchmark whose merit exceeds that of a simple translation. It is really a “bridge” between two referent universes, which is even more precious at a time when dialogue with China is getting more difficult. This reinforces the guiding principle behind the work of Asia Centre, “Asia at the source”, making it possible to read significant texts from their original version.

The selection of articles published in the journal Asia Trends is organised into three sections:

  • The weight of history
  • Religious issues
  • Politics


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You can download our Asia Trends #6, Thinkers’ Corner by becoming a value member today.