Hervé De Jean De La Batie, Minister Plenipotentiary, born in Pont l’Abbé (France) August 11, 1958; studied Litterature, Law and Political Science in Grenoble and Paris.
Career : training at the Ecole nationale d’administration (Paris), 1983-1985; French Embassy, Kinshasa (Zaïre), 1985-1987; Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Planning Staff for Asian and Pacific Affairs, 1987-1989; Deputy Head of Mission, French Embassy to Singapore, 1989-1992; Counsellor, French Embassy, Washington D.C., 1992-1996; Political Counsellor, French Embassy, Beijing, 1996-1999; Adviser to the Secretary-General, MFA, 1999-2001; French Institute of International Relations (Centre Asie IFRI), 2001- 2002; Deputy Head, Asia-Pacific Department, MFA, 2002-2005; Inspectorate general, MFA, 2005-2009; Deputy Head of Mission, French Embassy, Beijing, 2009-2013; Adviser to the Special Envoy of the French President for the Protection of the Planet, 2014-2016; Diplomatic Adviser, French World War One Centennial Mission, 2016-2018; Permanent Secretary for South Pacific, Permanent Representative to the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), 2018-2019; COVID 19 Task Force, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020-2021; Diplomatic Adviser to the Chief of French Navy, since May, 2021.
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