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G2: as simple as a phone call ?

PDF Jean-François Di Meglio shares a new analysis about the Sino-American discussion, April the 2nd. « April 2nd’s telephone call with president Joe Biden fortified the mutual tone of respect

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CA 53 – A China reset in Northeast Asia – March 2015


A number of evolutions have characterized China’s direct Northeast Asian environment in 2013 and 2014. North Korea’s new leader Kim Jong-un pursued a more assertive foreign and security policy, thereby isolating North Korea further; ties between China and South Korea warmed up quickly under Park Geun-hye; in Taiwan, the Kuomintang (KMT) suffered a stunning defeat at local elections last November, paving the way for a possible Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) victory at the next general elections; and relations with Japan recovered timidly after two very difficult years. The developments of each of those four relations remains uncertain but are crucial for Asia’s stability as a whole.

The latest issue of China Analysis, a collection of articles drawing on Chinese expert sources, deals with this issue. “A China reset in Northeast Asia” focuses on China’s relations with its four Northeast Asian neighbours. It underlines the necessity for China to rethink its regional foreign and security policy.




China and Japan: Two steps back, one step forward? (François Prayas)

Is Russia driving a wedge between North Korea and China? (Angela Stanzel)

China-South Korean relations: The best they have ever been (Antoine Bondaz)

Relations with Taiwan after the nine-in-one elections (Elizabeth Larus)