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[Asia Centre Events] Will the G20 survive in the age of geopolitical rivalries?

Will the G20 survive in the edge of geopolitical rivalries(8)

“Will the G20 survive in the age of geopolitical rivalries?

The road from Bali to Dehli.”

On Tuesday April 25th was held the webinar organized by Asia Centre in collaboration with Yves Tiberghien, Jean-Luc Racine and Stéphanie Balme.

Chair: Jean-Baptiste Monnier (Asia Centre)

Panel: Yves Tiberghien (Professor of Political Science and Konwakai Chair in Japanese Research at the University of British Columbia), Jean-Luc Racine (Emeritus CNRS Senior Fellow at the Centre for South Asian Studies (School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences -EHESS-Paris), and Senior Fellow at Asia Centre)

Discussion: Stéphanie Balme (Professor at PSIA, Research Director at CERI (Center for International Studies) and Dean of Sciences Po Undergraduate College)

The presentations by Yves Tiberghien and Jean-Luc Racine were highly informative, offering reflections on Indonesia’s diplomatic accomplishments during its G20 presidency, as well as insights on the Raisina dialogue, in which Dr. Racine recently participated. Finally, Stéphanie Balme’s insightful comments raised questions regarding the future of global governance and the pivotal role played by the Global South as policy entrepreneurs in promoting global cooperation and sustaining the global economy.

In case you were unable to attend our event, the recording is available here: