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[Asia Centre in the media] The Biden-Xi Meeting and U.S.-China Relations

Capture d’écran 2023-12-05 à 15.41.49

On November, 29th, 2023, Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Research Fellow at Asia Centre, put forward in an article published in the “Prospect Foundation” the meeting between the United States President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping on November 15, 2023, in Woodside, near San Francisco, on the sidelines of the APEC Summit. It was the first time since their previous face-to-face meeting at the G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia, a year ago, that the American and Chinese heads of state met. This long overdue meeting has on the whole allowed a lowering of the temperature between the two superpowers. Nonetheless, most of the contentious issues between Washington and Beijing have remained unresolved, and the root causes of the U.S.-China rivalry are unlikely to fade away.

Read his full article here: The Biden-Xi Meeting and U.S.-China Relations