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Maëlle Lefèvre, Strategic Issues China, Taiwan

Maëlle Lefèvre holds a master’s degree in international security with a specialization in East Asia from the School of International Affairs at SciencesPo Paris (PSIA). She also holds a degree in Chinese language from INALCO. During a one-year exchange program, she studied at the National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei. She also worked in Taiwan for six months as an intern and attended an intensive Chinese language program at the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) on a scholarship from the Taiwanese Ministry of Education. Her research interests include the Indo-Pacific region, Greater China, and more specifically China-Taiwan relations. Maëlle Lefèvre is also the author of Jiazoku, a novel published in 2019 by Albin Michel, and dealing with the trafficking of Chinese surrogate mothers in Japan set up by the Yakuzas.

Autres analyses

Security implications of Taiwan’s Presidential and Parliament Elections • Maëlle Lefèvre


In her new brief, Maëlle Lefèvre, researcher at Asia Centre — and specialising in the Indo-Pacific region, Greater China, and more specifically China-Taiwan relations — delves into the security implications arising from Taiwan’s Presidential and Parliament elections, as the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) secured a third mandate with William Lai (on January the 13th). However, neither the KMT (Kuomintang) nor the DPP did secure an absolute majority in the Legislative Yuan, it is the TPP (Taiwan People’s Party) that holds a pivotal role in shaping legislative priorities.

Maëlle Lefèvre provides an historical context of Taiwanese political parties in order to identify the consequences for Taiwan’s policy implementation towards China, particularly in the realm of defence policies. The analysis also explores the Taiwanese wishes regarding their international relations, and Maëlle Lefèvre provides valuable insights into potential reactions from China in response to the election outcomes.